
In Iringa International School, we believe in enabling academically gifted students to fulfill their personal potential by receiving better education, which they would not otherwise have due to financial problem.

Scholarships Sources

IIS Scholarships

Iringa International School offers a variety of scholarships and fellowships designed to help you and your family pay for tuition. 

Students Grant Programs

In Iringa International School, we believe in enabling academically gifted students to fulfill their personal potential by receiving better education, which they would not otherwise have due to financial problem.

Board of Trustees Scholarships

Iringa International School is a non-profit institution; therefore surplus earnings are used to provide scholarships for children who cannot afford tuition fees. Twenty percent of our students benefit from our scholarship program. The Scholarship Committee examines all applications to determine whether the applicant is eligible for a scholarship. The Committee’s recommendations are submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.


Complete the scholarship form and submit to the Admissions Department for review and consideration.

  • You are a full-time student.
  • You applied for financial aid on time.
  • You are meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
  • You have approximately the same amount of financial need that you had in prior years.

Guidance and Advice

Contact us now!

Featured Student (Scholarship)


Contact For Scholarship

We are open on Monday – Friday at 7:30 am and 5 pm, except on holidays.

IIS Admissions Center

P.O. Box 912
Iringa, Tanzania

Phone :+255-657-864-409
Email :
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